Sunday, March 13, 2022

Can Acid Reflux Cause Coughing And Sore Throat

This irritation can lead to a sore throat, a dry cough, and wheezing it can also cause heartburn, a bitter taste in the mouth, regurgitation, indigestion, and difficulty swallowing acid reflux. Can acid reflux cause coughing and sore throat. The second mechanism proposes that reflux moves above the food pipe and causes tiny droplets of stomach acid to land in the voice box or throat this type of reflux is known as laryngeal.

can acid reflux cause coughing and sore throat

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Yes acid reflux can absolutely cause a sore throat acid and a digestive enzyme called pepsin can reflux up into the throat where they can cause damage and irritation, this is known as laryngopharyngeal reflux(lpr) or sometimes called silent reflux. A chronic, nagging cough is often a byproduct of acid reflux. every time acid rises in your throat it can cause a tickle that triggers coughing. there are two approaches to treating the condition, one directed at the acid reflux and the other at the cough.. Sore throat; complications of lpr. stomach acid that pools in the throat and larynx can cause long-term irritation and damage. without treatment, it can be serious. in infants and children, lpr.

more info can acid reflux cause coughing and sore throat---> click here